that blonde girl: rides and such
that blonde girl: boaty boat boat
that blonde girl: mocking the ocean
that blonde girl: woosh (previously)
that blonde girl: sun setting
that blonde girl: the two coolest kids
that blonde girl: majestic-ish
that blonde girl: boardwalk
that blonde girl: high tide
that blonde girl: they aren't kidding about that
that blonde girl: shininess and fringe not specified
that blonde girl: Ocean City boardwalk
that blonde girl: piping hotel waste into the sea
that blonde girl: the seagull and the moon
that blonde girl: planning voyages
that blonde girl: because if there's one thing the internet needs
that blonde girl: you are here
that blonde girl: 10 cent skeeball machines
that blonde girl: beacuse the previous photo didn't really convey
that blonde girl: hilarious
that blonde girl: it's wacky!
that blonde girl: teenage mutant ninja anthropomorphic reptile
that blonde girl: because I don't care much
that blonde girl: they really should have a fence