that blonde girl: wood sprites
that blonde girl: me and dad
that blonde girl: me and Tess
that blonde girl: trash in the salamander cave
that blonde girl: woodland creatures
that blonde girl: skipping stones
that blonde girl: getting down
that blonde girl: Tessa and Dad
that blonde girl: quarry with rock
that blonde girl: Ijams Nature Center
that blonde girl: descriptive title: trail
that blonde girl: the boardwalk
that blonde girl: more boardwalk
that blonde girl: it had a cave with water in it
that blonde girl: boardwalk
that blonde girl: nifty rock
that blonde girl: train tracks
that blonde girl: Mead's Quarry
that blonde girl: Mead's Quarry
that blonde girl: dark quarry
that blonde girl: happy trees
that blonde girl: happy trees
that blonde girl: underwater tree