that blonde girl: the view from my room
that blonde girl: school kids
that blonde girl: apparently
that blonde girl: school yard
that blonde girl: Ryan and me on a train
that blonde girl: "riot" in Osaka
that blonde girl: on top of Mt. Rokko
that blonde girl: sign outside a karaoke place under Rokkomichi Station in Kobe
that blonde girl: me, Ryan and Liz singing god knows what
that blonde girl: more karaoke
that blonde girl: I love this photo for three reasons
that blonde girl: looking down on Kobe
that blonde girl: top of Mt Rokko
that blonde girl: doing ikebana
that blonde girl: me, hydrangeas
that blonde girl: me and my host mother
that blonde girl: at Natara-dera
that blonde girl: my ex with his ikebana project
that blonde girl: flower arrangement
that blonde girl: ikebana class
that blonde girl: Katrina, Liz, and me
that blonde girl: garden at Kyomizu-dera
that blonde girl: Sanjusangendo
that blonde girl: baseball game in Kobe
that blonde girl: fans pack the stadium!
that blonde girl: me and my language partner