that blonde girl: baby viggo
that blonde girl: viggo plays!
that blonde girl: viggo plays again
that blonde girl: stealth kittencam!
that blonde girl: action kittencam!
that blonde girl: that damn cat again
that blonde girl: momma cat
that blonde girl: testing 062
that blonde girl: viggokitten
that blonde girl: viggokitten
that blonde girl: joe the cat
that blonde girl: joe the cat
that blonde girl: joe the cat
that blonde girl: old kittens
that blonde girl: old kittens
that blonde girl: new kitten
that blonde girl: misty napping
that blonde girl: misty again
that blonde girl: misty staking her claim on my stomach
that blonde girl: me and my cat
that blonde girl: So, I was pretending to own these kittens
that blonde girl: But apparently my attention was wanted elsewhere
that blonde girl: "Wot, me?"
that blonde girl: the look of boredom
that blonde girl: tree and cat
that blonde girl: we have cat!