That bloke: Two Exmoor Ponies
That bloke: Exmoor Pony in Heather
That bloke: Profile of an Exmoor Pony
That bloke: Exmoor Pony
That bloke: His Land
That bloke: Mother and Child
That bloke: Protected
That bloke: Generations
That bloke: Lazy Days
That bloke: A new life
That bloke: Exmoor Foal
That bloke: In the bracken
That bloke: Eye to eye
That bloke: The wild inside
That bloke: Stance
That bloke: Exmoor Pony
That bloke: Exmoor foal and mare
That bloke: Free to Roam
That bloke: Carefree
That bloke: Looking down on the Barle River
That bloke: Watching
That bloke: Look left, then right, left again
That bloke: Red Deer
That bloke: A Wee Cow
That bloke: What you dooin?
That bloke: Danny Boy
That bloke: Looking out
That bloke: Nobility