That Place: Whippet Barstool
That Place: Place Setting
That Place: Hanging Basket - Old style
That Place: Hanging Basket
That Place: Where everybody knows your name
That Place: Mmmmm... Sake
That Place: Dinner in Florence
That Place: Mmmmmm... Cheese
That Place: Champagne Cocktails
That Place: DSC_3787.JPG
That Place: Playing Bartender
That Place: DSC_4994.JPG
That Place: DSC_3761.JPG
That Place: DSC_3752.JPG
That Place: DSC_3749.JPG
That Place: Great Friends, Great Wine
That Place: Camp Orange
That Place: YASP - Yet Another Sunset Photo
That Place: My Sunset
That Place: Santa Cruz Tule Fog
That Place: DSC_3722.JPG
That Place: Artist General's Warning
That Place: DSC_4984.JPG
That Place: Really? Now please!
That Place: Bar advice for life
That Place: Mmmmmmmm.....
That Place: Water Meter Cover
That Place: Chinese Umbrellas
That Place: Hopeful
That Place: The Tunnel