tharpo: Milwaukee Art Museum
tharpo: Milwaukee Art Museum
tharpo: Milwaukee Art Museum
tharpo: the most beautiful parking garage on the planet
tharpo: the most beautiful parking garage on the planet
tharpo: the most beautiful parking garage on the planet
tharpo: the most beautiful parking garage on the planet
tharpo: the most beautiful parking garage on the planet
tharpo: the most beautiful parking garage on the planet
tharpo: the most beautiful parking garage on the planet
tharpo: the most beautiful parking garage on the planet
tharpo: babies in flower pots
tharpo: more cute marching bands
tharpo: more cute marching bands
tharpo: someday this kid is going to use this photo as evidence that his family was a wack job
tharpo: traction
tharpo: traction
tharpo: traction
tharpo: i love the way these colors came out
tharpo: in mortal peril -- attacked by an eight year old
tharpo: IMG_1102.JPG
tharpo: IMG_1101.JPG
tharpo: wet dog
tharpo: IMG_1099.JPG
tharpo: scary lutherans
tharpo: scary lutherans
tharpo: scary lutherans
tharpo: ummm
tharpo: cute marching band playing in the rain
tharpo: cute marching band playing in the rain