tharpo: now let's compare the size of a mini to a smart car
tharpo: Paris
tharpo: Paris
tharpo: i really want to be able to tell you that i ate dinner here
tharpo: what could be bad about cone shaped trees and cannons?
tharpo: there seems to be something blocking the end of the street
tharpo: splash!
tharpo: now this is a girl i can get behind....
tharpo: statue checking out Frank's new camera
tharpo: bird
tharpo: a memorial slapped onto a memorial
tharpo: me and Shobhna in Paris
tharpo: looking up from directly beneath the eiffel tower
tharpo: closeup of eiffel tower leg
tharpo: underneath the eiffel tower
tharpo: yet another eiffel tower photo
tharpo: Frank Walker and I in Paris
tharpo: mandatory icon shot
tharpo: bridge
tharpo: my next condo
tharpo: bridge
tharpo: statue of liberty's bum
tharpo: statue of liberty
tharpo: balloons over paris
tharpo: interior of the Sheraton at the Paris airport
tharpo: interior of Notre Dame
tharpo: I step on your goblin
tharpo: Notre Dame
tharpo: Louvre's lane
tharpo: Paris