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thane: Earl Nicholas and triceratops, 1970
thane: Dinosaur, 1970
thane: Dinosaur ride
thane: Dinosaur ride
thane: Family in Seattle
thane: Family in Seattle
thane: Thane and Alison playing with Space Needle pens, Seattle, 1970
thane: Marlene Plambeck & Opal Nicholas in the Pacific ocean, 1970
thane: dinosaur sculptures, 1970
thane: Buffalo Bill monument, 1970
thane: Buffalo Bill monument, 1970
thane: Buffalo Bill monument, 1970
thane: View from Ford Custom
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thane: Sand Turn Observation Point, Big Horn National Forest, summer 1970
thane: Bighorn
thane: Sunset from 1967 Ford custom, 1970