thane: IMG_1147
thane: Zometool
thane: Howard Thompson
thane: Dan Cranston (L), Howard Thompson
thane: Howard Thompson (top left), Aaron Siegel (bottom left), Paul Ottoway
thane: Angela Siegel, Ezra Miller & Dan Cranston seated on far left couch (L to R); Aaron Siegel facing Howard Thompson nearest the sphere
thane: Baby Duck Case
thane: Richard K Guy
thane: IMG_1137
thane: Mathematical Go
thane: Computer Misere Dots & Boxes tournament
thane: Computer Misere Dots & Boxes tournament
thane: Computer Misere Dots & Boxes tournament
thane: Computer Misere Dots & Boxes tournament
thane: Computer Misere Dots & Boxes tournament
thane: IMG_1129
thane: Richard Nowakowski
thane: Paul Ottoway (L), Neil McKay (R)
thane: Richard Nowakowski preparing Dots & Boxes scoresheets
thane: Elwyn Berlekamp at laptop, Aaron Siegel on his right
thane: Elwyn using Go Explorer (I think that's the program)
thane: IMG_1122
thane: Dots & boxes competition
thane: Putative infinite misere quotient by Mike Weimerskirsch
thane: Infinite quotient presentation
thane: Mnem values
thane: IMG_1117
thane: Mnem values
thane: Aaron Siegel (L), Alex Fink (R)
thane: Aaron Siegel (L), Alex Fink (R)