Thames Discovery Programme: FROGs at Nat's leaving drinks
Thames Discovery Programme: FROGs at Nat's leaving drinks
Thames Discovery Programme: Signing the card
Thames Discovery Programme: FROGs at Nat's leaving drinks
Thames Discovery Programme: FROGs at Nat's leaving drinks
Thames Discovery Programme: FROGs at Nat's leaving drinks
Thames Discovery Programme: FROGs at Nat's leaving drinks
Thames Discovery Programme: FROGs at Nat's leaving drinks
Thames Discovery Programme: Nat with her leaving present
Thames Discovery Programme: Eliott's giving his speech
Thames Discovery Programme: FROGs at Nat's leaving drinks
Thames Discovery Programme: FROGs at Nat's leaving drinks
Thames Discovery Programme: FROGs at Nat's leaving drinks
Thames Discovery Programme: FROGs at Nat's leaving drinks
Thames Discovery Programme: FROGs at Nat's leaving drinks
Thames Discovery Programme: FROGs at Nat's leaving drinks
Thames Discovery Programme: Louise discussing the excavation with FROGs
Thames Discovery Programme: Mike explains the reconstruction to FROGs
Thames Discovery Programme: Graham, George and Yvonne discuss the Mithraeum
Thames Discovery Programme: FROGS at the Mithraeum
Thames Discovery Programme: Suzie looking down the Mithraeum
Thames Discovery Programme: The reconstructed Mithraeum
Thames Discovery Programme: Louise talking about some of the finds in the case
Thames Discovery Programme: Roman writing tablets
Thames Discovery Programme: Weights and balance
Thames Discovery Programme: The case of finds excavated by MOLA
Thames Discovery Programme: Close up of section of ‘Another View from Nowhen’
Thames Discovery Programme: ‘Another View from Nowhen’
Thames Discovery Programme: Helen, Josh, Eliott and Nathalie