Thames Discovery Programme: Isambard Kingdom Brunel (Robert Hulse, Director of the Brunel Museum)
Thames Discovery Programme: Guided Tour of the SS Great Eastern with IKB
Thames Discovery Programme: Guided Tour of the SS Great Eastern launch site
Thames Discovery Programme: Gustav Milne (TDP) meets IKB himself on the guided tour
Thames Discovery Programme: SS Great Eastern's "ghost" being outlined on the riverwall
Thames Discovery Programme: Gudied tour of the SS Great Eastern launch site
Thames Discovery Programme: Welcome to Discover Archaeology on the Isle of Dogs!
Thames Discovery Programme: Discover Archaeology on the Isle of Dogs
Thames Discovery Programme: Visitors learning about artefacts from the Thames foreshore
Thames Discovery Programme: Discover Archaeology exhibition at the Docklands Settlement
Thames Discovery Programme: The Thames at War stand at the Docklands Settlement
Thames Discovery Programme: LAARC curator Dan Nesbitt introducing a local Isle of Dogs resident to artefacts from the area
Thames Discovery Programme: Exhibition of FROG photos from the TDP at the Docklands Settlement
Thames Discovery Programme: Glenn, FROG volunteer at the Docklands Settlement
Thames Discovery Programme: Local resident looking at finds from the local Isle of Dogs area