Thames Discovery Programme: View from London Bridge
Thames Discovery Programme: Sunrise over Tower Bridge, City of London
Thames Discovery Programme: Custom House gridiron
Thames Discovery Programme: Sadie, Roddy, Edna, Dan and Lucy contemplate the revetment
Thames Discovery Programme: Alan cleaning one of the gridiron timbers
Thames Discovery Programme: Andy and Sibyl cleaning the gridiron
Thames Discovery Programme: Andy cleaning a gridiron timber
Thames Discovery Programme: Junction of the riverside wall and the gridiron timber
Thames Discovery Programme: Clare, Cate, Holly and Nina at the stairs
Thames Discovery Programme: Alex cleaning a gridiron timber
Thames Discovery Programme: Custom House gridiron
Thames Discovery Programme: Sadie and Edna recording the revetment
Thames Discovery Programme: Recording the revetment under Billingsgate Wharf
Thames Discovery Programme: Dan and Lucy recording
Thames Discovery Programme: Fidan and Nina recording the causeway
Thames Discovery Programme: Clare and Cate recording the riverside wall
Thames Discovery Programme: Chris, Martin, Marian and Eliot record the barge
Thames Discovery Programme: Custom House gridiron
Thames Discovery Programme: Gridiron at Custom House
Thames Discovery Programme: Recording the gridiron
Thames Discovery Programme: The banner and the Belfast
Thames Discovery Programme: Ashley, Lorna, Fidan and Holly at the stairs
Thames Discovery Programme: Alan and Andy surveying with Anies
Thames Discovery Programme: Martin, Chris, Peter, Margaret, Eliot and Alex record the boat
Thames Discovery Programme: View of the site from the south bank
Thames Discovery Programme: View of Custom House from Tower Bridge
Thames Discovery Programme: Valentine's Day ritual activity?
Thames Discovery Programme: Tony, Guy, David and Jeremiah at the gridiron
Thames Discovery Programme: Alexandra and Anne cleaning a gridiron timber
Thames Discovery Programme: Brendan and Alex recording the causeway