Thais Delcanton: Stone henge
Thais Delcanton: Big ass rhino
Thais Delcanton: Big bull
Thais Delcanton: One little bugger nibbling on our car
Thais Delcanton: Hitchhiking
Thais Delcanton: Monkey world
Thais Delcanton: Animals roaming free
Thais Delcanton: Afternoon snack in the middle of the road
Thais Delcanton: Girraffe
Thais Delcanton: The park
Thais Delcanton: Arriving at Longleat safari park
Thais Delcanton: Coutry side
Thais Delcanton: Country side
Thais Delcanton: Working :(
Thais Delcanton: Town centre
Thais Delcanton: Town centre
Thais Delcanton: Peaceful view
Thais Delcanton: Back on the ferry
Thais Delcanton: Standing in the middle of the sea