Thad Zajdowicz: Le Rhone Model J
Thad Zajdowicz: Le Rhone rotary closeup
Thad Zajdowicz: Double America
Thad Zajdowicz: Walt Disney Concert Hall
Thad Zajdowicz: Cloud Gate reimagined
Thad Zajdowicz: Rockville Town Center
Thad Zajdowicz: Marina Towers
Thad Zajdowicz: Bridge towers
Thad Zajdowicz: Archimedes screws
Thad Zajdowicz: Hohenzollern Bridge
Thad Zajdowicz: Keyboard
Thad Zajdowicz: Construction and stoplight
Thad Zajdowicz: Along Wisconsin Avenue
Thad Zajdowicz: Streetsense
Thad Zajdowicz: Capitol One Building
Thad Zajdowicz: Gallery
Thad Zajdowicz: Eye on the world
Thad Zajdowicz: Museum of the American Indian
Thad Zajdowicz: CO2 Lounge
Thad Zajdowicz: Army history
Thad Zajdowicz: Dragon!
Thad Zajdowicz: Watering hole
Thad Zajdowicz: Unusual lamp