Thien Gretchen: Shed at new Bee Ranch
Thien Gretchen: Helloooo there!
Thien Gretchen: Me in the new candle making space
Thien Gretchen: Hello honey. Stop clicking now.
Thien Gretchen: Or else I will make silly poses!
Thien Gretchen: Beeswax and other equipment
Thien Gretchen: The beekeeper at the new Bee Ranch
Thien Gretchen: Checking out the new candle making facility at the new Bee Ranch
Thien Gretchen: Before reorganization of garage/temp Honey House
Thien Gretchen: After our reorganization
Thien Gretchen: Looking out back from the kitchen
Thien Gretchen: Wax melter is officially moved
Thien Gretchen: Helping Mark with candles
Thien Gretchen: Learning about candles
Thien Gretchen: Allison checks out the bees
Thien Gretchen: The Queen of the Back Yard Hive
Thien Gretchen: Spot the Queen
Thien Gretchen: Nice looking queens and bees
Thien Gretchen: Mark puts together an observation hive to take to market
Thien Gretchen: Take bees to market
Thien Gretchen: Wild White Poppy (Texas)
Thien Gretchen: Wildflowers
Thien Gretchen: Edited Honey bee on Queen Anne's Lace
Thien Gretchen: Future Honey House Field
Thien Gretchen: Honey bee on Queen Anne's Lace
Thien Gretchen: My kitty & my honey bee
Thien Gretchen: Smokey checks out the back field of flowers
Thien Gretchen: Smokey & Mark
Thien Gretchen: Smokey peeking around Mark