Thien Gretchen: Mesquite honey 2010
Thien Gretchen: Mesquite honey 2010
Thien Gretchen: Bottling mesquite honey 2010
Thien Gretchen: Mesquite bottling 2010
Thien Gretchen: New bottling valve
Thien Gretchen: Mesquite honey 2010
Thien Gretchen: Mesquite honey 2010
Thien Gretchen: Small gift jars of mesquite honey
Thien Gretchen: Mesquite honeycomb
Thien Gretchen: New bottling dispenser
Thien Gretchen: Rejects of honeycomb
Thien Gretchen: More rejects
Thien Gretchen: Mesquite honey - 1st jar
Thien Gretchen: Dripping through the nylon filter
Thien Gretchen: Nylon filter over holding tank
Thien Gretchen: Double strainer
Thien Gretchen: Hand crank extractor
Thien Gretchen: Awaiting extraction
Thien Gretchen: Chris the bee hand
Thien Gretchen: Discussing operations
Thien Gretchen: The boys bringing in the boxes
Thien Gretchen: Honey house for extraction
Thien Gretchen: Extraction area
Thien Gretchen: Honey for sale
Thien Gretchen: Honeycomb
Thien Gretchen: Poured honey with comb
Thien Gretchen: Honeycomb jars
Thien Gretchen: Pouring the jars
Thien Gretchen: Honeycomb awaiting honey
Thien Gretchen: Jars of honeycomb