tgpotterfield: Bombus sp. (bumblebee) on Itea virginica (Virginia Sweetspire)
tgpotterfield: Crocus tommasinianus (early or woodland crocus)
tgpotterfield: Poa pratensis (Kentucky bluegrass)
tgpotterfield: Quercus ilicifolia (scrub oak, bear oak)
tgpotterfield: Papilio glaucus (eastern tiger swallowtail), female, on Phlox paniculata (fall phlox)
tgpotterfield: Limenitis arthemis astyanax (red-spotted purple)
tgpotterfield: Limenitis archippus (viceroy) on Eryngium yuccifolium (rattlesnake master) at the Pollinator Overlook pavilion
tgpotterfield: Polygonia interrogationis (question mark)
tgpotterfield: Polygonia interrogationis (question mark)
tgpotterfield: Front garden bed with red azalea, pink bleeding heart, white foamflower, blue Brunnera, yellow trout lilies
tgpotterfield: Tiarella cordifolia (foamflower)
tgpotterfield: Bombus sp. (bumble bee) or possibly ?Ptilothrix bombiformis (hibiscus bee, rose-mallow bee) on Hibiscus moscheutos (rosemallow), pollen-covered
tgpotterfield: Colletes ?inaequalis (polyester bee), male, on Crocus tommasinianus (early or woodland crocus)
tgpotterfield: Liatris spicata and Solidago juncea in morning light
tgpotterfield: Pieris rapae (cabbage white) on Chrysopsis mariana (Maryland goldenaster)
tgpotterfield: Clethra alnifolia (sweetpepperbush)
tgpotterfield: Bombus sp. (bumblebee) on Thermopsis caroliniana (Carolina lupine)
tgpotterfield: Viola sororia -f- priceana (Confederate violet) [tentative ID]
tgpotterfield: Papilio glaucus (eastern tiger swallowtail), Bombus sp. (bumble bee), and praying mantis (Mantodaea sp.) on Asclepias syriaca (common milkweed)
tgpotterfield: Apis mellifera (honey bee) on Asclepias tuberosa (butterfly weed)
tgpotterfield: Colletes ?inaequalis (polyester bee), male, on Crocus tommasinianus (early or woodland crocus)
tgpotterfield: Bombus ?impatiens (common eastern bumble bee) on Asclepias tuberosa (butterfly weed)
tgpotterfield: Xylocopa virginica virginica (carpenter bee), female, on Consolida ajacis (rocket larkspur)
tgpotterfield: Colletes ?inaequalis (polyester bee), male, on Crocus tommasinianus (early or woodland crocus)
tgpotterfield: Lasioglossum sp. (sweat bee), female, on Liatris squarrosa (scaly blazing star)
tgpotterfield: Sphex ichneumoneus (great golden digger wasp) on Pycnanthemum muticum (short-toothed mountainmint)
tgpotterfield: Eumorpha pandorus (Pandora sphynx moth) caterpillar parasitized by a braconid wasp
tgpotterfield: Papilio polyxenes (black swallowtail butterfly), male
tgpotterfield: Cisseps fulvicollis (yellow-collared scape moth) nectaring on Pycnanthemum muticum (short-toothed mountainmint)
tgpotterfield: Syrphid fly on Packera aurea (golden ragwort)