tgpotterfield: Juncus effusus (soft rush)
tgpotterfield: Juncus sp. (rush)
tgpotterfield: Iris versicolor (northern blue flag) with Carex vulpinoidea (fox-tail sedge), background, and Juncus effusus (soft rush), forground
tgpotterfield: View of the upper meadow with Juncus effusus (soft rush) in foreground, Juniperus virginiana in middle ground, and Penn's Woods beyond the deer fence in the distance
tgpotterfield: Juncus effusus (soft rush)
tgpotterfield: Juncus sp. (rush)
tgpotterfield: Sisyrinchium angustifolium 'Lucerne'
tgpotterfield: Juncus ?tenuis (path rush, poverty rush), Marsh Trail, Felix Neck
tgpotterfield: Luzula sp., probably L. multiflora
tgpotterfield: Luzula sp., probably L. multiflora
tgpotterfield: Luzula sp., best-guess L. echinata (common woodrush)
tgpotterfield: Luzula sp., best-guess L. echinata (common woodrush)
tgpotterfield: Luzula sp., best-guess L. echinata (common woodrush)
tgpotterfield: Moss with sporophytes and Luzula sp. (wood rush)
tgpotterfield: Sarracenia purpurea (purple pitcherplant) with other native bog plants
tgpotterfield: Dobbin Grade Trail (TR 526), Dolly Sods WV
tgpotterfield: Native Plant Nursery, Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation, Sanibel FL
tgpotterfield: Juncus sp. (rush)
tgpotterfield: Luzula multiflora (common woodrush)
tgpotterfield: Luzula multiflora (common woodrush)
tgpotterfield: Luzula multiflora (common woodrush)
tgpotterfield: Luzula multiflora (common woodrush)
tgpotterfield: Luzula multiflora (common woodrush)
tgpotterfield: Juncus effusus (soft rush)
tgpotterfield: ?Juncus sp.
tgpotterfield: ?Juncus sp.
tgpotterfield: Juncus sp. in flower
tgpotterfield: Juncus sp. in flower