tgpotterfield: Multistemmed shrub with bird's nest and rabbit or rodent damage at base, mid-meadow
tgpotterfield: Rodent or rabbit damage to base of multistemmed shrub, mid-meadow
tgpotterfield: Bird's nest (unidentified) in multistemmed woody shrub, interior
tgpotterfield: Bird's nest (unidentified) in multistemmed woody shrub, profile
tgpotterfield: Dense stand of Helianthus ?giganteus (tall sunflower) in the upper mid-meadow
tgpotterfield: Oak overlooking path to Webb Farmhouse
tgpotterfield: Sunny south-facing slope with mixed grasses and forbs
tgpotterfield: Oenothera biennis (common evening primrose), dry spike with open seed capsules
tgpotterfield: Apocynum cannabinum (Indian hemp), follicles releasing seed in January
tgpotterfield: Dried sunflower stalks (Helianthus sp.) with invasive Celastrus orbiculatus (oriental bittersweet).
tgpotterfield: South-facing slpe with Helianthus, Solidago, and Andropogon spp., January
tgpotterfield: Slope near Hourglass Lake with broomsedge and goldenrod, January
tgpotterfield: Mid-meadow slope with broomsedge and goldenrod, January
tgpotterfield: Webb Farmhouse from mid-meadow, January
tgpotterfield: ?Dog track near Meadow Bridge
tgpotterfield: South-facing slope with wet swale and Forest Edge Pavilion, mid-January
tgpotterfield: Accessible pathways along southern perimeter of meadow, mid-January
tgpotterfield: Accessible pathways along southern perimeter of meadow, mid-January
tgpotterfield: Webb Farmhouse, December
tgpotterfield: Constructed wetland with white oaks, higher vantage point
tgpotterfield: Webb Farm, December
tgpotterfield: Constructed wetland with white oaks
tgpotterfield: Path leading from the east meadow to the Beech Forest boardwalk, December
tgpotterfield: Mantid egg case (Tenodera sinensis)
tgpotterfield: Webb Farmhouse from the old Rt. 52 roadbed, December
tgpotterfield: ?thistledown nest, unidentified bird or more likely rodent (whitefooted mouse?), a few inches off the ground
tgpotterfield: Pollinator Overlook Pavilion, December
tgpotterfield: Mature beech tree with broomsedge near Pollinator Overlook
tgpotterfield: Pollinator Overlook Pavilion, December
tgpotterfield: Webb Farm from mid-meadow with foreground patch of goldenrod, December