tgpotterfield: Ageratina altissima 'Chocolate' (white snakeroot cultivar)
tgpotterfield: Ageratina altissima 'Chocolate' (white snakeroot cultivar)
tgpotterfield: Lobelia siphilitica (great blue lobelia) with Ageratina altissima (white snakeroot) in bud and Rubus sp.
tgpotterfield: Ageratina altissima (white snakeroot)
tgpotterfield: Ageratina altissima (white snakeroot)
tgpotterfield: Ageratina altissima (white snakeroot)
tgpotterfield: Ageratina ?aromatica (small-leaved white snakeroot)
tgpotterfield: Conoclinium coelestinum (blue mistflower)
tgpotterfield: Perithemis tenera (eastern amberwing)
tgpotterfield: Broomsedge bends in the wind against a backdrop of hyssopleaf boneset
tgpotterfield: Eupatorium hyssopifolium (hyssopleaf thoroughwort or boneset), dry stalk with ripe seed
tgpotterfield: Eupatorium hyssopifolium (hyssopleaf thoroughwort or boneset), dry stalk with ripe seed
tgpotterfield: Broomsedge and boneset with New England aster
tgpotterfield: Broomsedge and boneset dominate this area in the upper meadow, with a strip of goldenrod along the treeline
tgpotterfield: Goldenrod, boneset, and aster
tgpotterfield: Eupatorium hyssopifolium (hyssopleaf thoroughwort)
tgpotterfield: Eupatorium ?hyssopifolium (hyssopleaf thoroughwort) blooming in tall grass with scrub oak (Quercus ilicifolia)
tgpotterfield: Boneset (thoroughwort) blooming in tall grass, probably Eupatorium hyssopifolium (hyssopleaf thoroughwort)
tgpotterfield: Fallow cow pasture, rainy afternoon light
tgpotterfield: Heliopsis helianthoides and Eupatorium hyssopifolium
tgpotterfield: Eupatorium perfoliatum (common boneset or throughwort)
tgpotterfield: Eupatorium sp. (boneset or throughwort)
tgpotterfield: Eupatorium sp. (boneset or throughwort)
tgpotterfield: Mowed path and diversity in the lower meadow
tgpotterfield: Eutrochium sp. with Eupatorium sp. (boneset or throughwort)
tgpotterfield: Eupatorium sp., probably E. compositifolium (Yankeeweed) or E. capillifolium (dog fennel), with Adropogon sp., probably A. glomeratus (bushy bluestem)
tgpotterfield: Eupatorium sp., fruit and seed
tgpotterfield: Eupatorium serotinum (lateflowering throughwort, white boneset)
tgpotterfield: Eupatorium serotinum (lateflowering throughwort, white boneset)
tgpotterfield: Fallow cow pasture, rainy morning light