tgpotterfield: Pityopsis falcata (sickle-leaved golden-aster) growing in mat of Cladonia sp. (reindeer lichen)
tgpotterfield: Lichens on thin soil in a boulder field
tgpotterfield: Lichens on thin soil in a boulder field
tgpotterfield: Umbilicaria sp. (rock tripe lichen)
tgpotterfield: Umbilicaria sp. (rock tripe lichen)
tgpotterfield: Cladonia sp. (reindeer lichen)
tgpotterfield: Cladonia sp. (reindeer lichen)
tgpotterfield: Lichen, moss, and grass at base of tree
tgpotterfield: Cladonia (reindeer lichen) and Lycopodium sp. in deciduous leaf letter
tgpotterfield: Cladonia sp. (reindeer lichen)
tgpotterfield: Gaultheria procumbens (eastern teaberry) with Cladonia sp. (reindeer lichen)
tgpotterfield: Dobbin Grade Trail (TR 526), Dolly Sods WV
tgpotterfield: Dobbin Grade Trail (TR 526), Dolly Sods WV
tgpotterfield: Blackbird Knob Trail (TR511), Dolly Sods WV
tgpotterfield: Blackbird Knob Trail (TR511), Dolly Sods WV
tgpotterfield: Polypodium polypodioides (resurrection fern), moss, and lichen on Quercus sp. (live oak)
tgpotterfield: Polypodium polypodioides (resurrection fern), moss, and lichen on Quercus sp. (live oak)
tgpotterfield: Usnea sp. (old man's beard lichen)
tgpotterfield: Usnea sp. (beard lichen, old man's beard)
tgpotterfield: Usnea sp. (old man's beard) on dead hemlock
tgpotterfield: Dead conifer (red spruce or hemlock?) hung with old man's beard lichens
tgpotterfield: Usnea sp. (old man's beard) and other lichens on dead branch
tgpotterfield: Usnea sp. (old man's beard) and other lichens on dead branch
tgpotterfield: Cladonia sp. (cup lichen, pixie cups)
tgpotterfield: Lichen on dead branch
tgpotterfield: Leafy lichen on a twig (?Parmotrema sp.)
tgpotterfield: Leafy lichen on a twig (?Parmotrema sp.)
tgpotterfield: moss and lichen on decaying tree trunk
tgpotterfield: Shelf fungus & lichen on rotting log
tgpotterfield: Shelf fungus & lichen on rotting log