tgpotterfield: Acer rubrum (red maple)
tgpotterfield: ?Acer saccharinum (sugar maple)
tgpotterfield: Old tree marker on very large Aesculus flava, syn. A. octandra (yellow buckeye)
tgpotterfield: Aesculus flava (yellow buckeye) bark
tgpotterfield: Aesculus flava (yellow buckeye)
tgpotterfield: Aesculus flava (yellow buckeye)
tgpotterfield: Aesculus flava (yellow buckeye)
tgpotterfield: Aesculus flava (yellow buckeye)
tgpotterfield: Aesculus parviflora (bottlebrush buckeye)
tgpotterfield: Aesculus parviflora (bottlebrush buckeye)
tgpotterfield: Aesculus parviflora (bottlebrush buckeye)
tgpotterfield: Aesculus sp., probably A. parviflora (bottlebrush buckeye)
tgpotterfield: ?Aesculus parviflora (bottlebrush buckeye)
tgpotterfield: ?Aesculus parviflora (bottlebrush buckeye)
tgpotterfield: ?Aesculus parviflora (bottlebrush buckeye)
tgpotterfield: ?Aesculus parviflora (bottlebrush buckeye)
tgpotterfield: Aesculus parviflora (bottlebrush buckeye), new foliage
tgpotterfield: Aesculus parviflora (bottlebrush buckeye), new foliage
tgpotterfield: Aesculus pavia (red buckeye), inflorescence with flowers starting to open
tgpotterfield: Aesculus pavia (red buckeye)
tgpotterfield: Aesculus pavia (red buckeye)
tgpotterfield: Aesculus pavia (red buckeye)
tgpotterfield: Acer saccharinum (sugar maple)
tgpotterfield: Acer pensylvanicum (striped maple)
tgpotterfield: Acer negundo (box elder)
tgpotterfield: Acer negundo (box elder)
tgpotterfield: Acer negundo (box elder)
tgpotterfield: Acer negundo (box elder)
tgpotterfield: Koelreuteria paniculata (golden rain tree)
tgpotterfield: Aesculus pavia (red buckeye)