tgpotterfield: First fence line behind main building with service utility area beyond.
tgpotterfield: Former horse barn now used for Parks Dept. storage.
tgpotterfield: Area proposed for Master Gardener demonstration gardens, as seen from inside the entry gate.
tgpotterfield: View of area proposed for Master Gardener demonstration gardens.
tgpotterfield: Upper end of proposed garden area (northeast corner)
tgpotterfield: East side of proposed garden area, upper (north) end
tgpotterfield: South end of proposed garden area showing gaps in fence leading to adjoining paddocks.
tgpotterfield: View of proposed garden area showing west fence line
tgpotterfield: West side, lower end of proposed garden area.
tgpotterfield: West side of proposed garden area (upper or northern end)
tgpotterfield: Upper end of proposed garden area (northwest corner)
tgpotterfield: Upper end of proposed garden area showing existing chain link fence and adjoining Parks depot area.
tgpotterfield: Stump near upper (north) end of proposed garden area.
tgpotterfield: Parks-Complex-Image-Grab-Garden
tgpotterfield: Parks-Complex-Image-Grab-Wide
tgpotterfield: Rear of Environmental Center: the Rain Garden needs help.
tgpotterfield: Rear of Environmental Center: the Rain Garden needs help.
tgpotterfield: Service utility area between Environmental Center and paddock area: old trailer
tgpotterfield: East paddock: open at the upper end, with two more recently added trailers
tgpotterfield: East paddock: DOC ramp program trailers
tgpotterfield: East paddock: open at the upper end, with two recently added trailers
tgpotterfield: East paddock: open at the upper end, with two recently added trailers
tgpotterfield: East paddock: black Locust patch in upper end
tgpotterfield: Entry area: upper end of alley between upper paddocks, overgrown with black locust
tgpotterfield: Entry area: black locust
tgpotterfield: Alley between upper paddocks, looking down toward lower paddock and Cooper River (SW)
tgpotterfield: Alley between upper & lower paddocks: we will need to assess the condition of existing fence and gates
tgpotterfield: Alley between upper paddocks: we will need to assess the condition of existing fence and gates
tgpotterfield: Alley between upper paddocks, looking up toward Envirnomental Center (NE) showing black locust patch
tgpotterfield: Alley between upper & lower paddocks, looking toward the depot