tgpotterfield: Path to Red Clay natural lands, November
tgpotterfield: Acer leucoderme (chalk maple), fall color
tgpotterfield: Fothergilla gardenii (dwarf fothergilla), fall color
tgpotterfield: Viburnum acerifolium (mapleleaf viburnum), fall color
tgpotterfield: Viburnum acerifolium (mapleleaf viburnum), fall color
tgpotterfield: Viburnum acerifolium (mapleleaf viburnum), fall color
tgpotterfield: Stokesia laevis (Stokes' aster), involucre
tgpotterfield: Stokesia laevis (Stokes' aster) with unidentified flower fly
tgpotterfield: Stokesia laevis (Stokes' aster) with unidentified flower fly
tgpotterfield: Stokesia laevis (Stokes' aster), still blooming in November
tgpotterfield: Cornus florida with Deschampsia caespitosa, upper Meadow, November
tgpotterfield: Meadow oak (Quercus sp.)
tgpotterfield: Cornus florida (flowering dogwood) in the upper Meadow, November
tgpotterfield: Asimina triloba (pawpaw), fall color
tgpotterfield: Asimina triloba (pawpaw), fall color
tgpotterfield: Viburnum acerifolium (mapleleaf viburnum), fall color
tgpotterfield: Viburnum acerifolium (mapleleaf viburnum), fall color
tgpotterfield: The Meadow from Lower Dogwood Path, November
tgpotterfield: Anemone virginiana (tall thimbleweed), seedheads, November
tgpotterfield: Small woodies between Ponds 3 & 4, seen from below (Pond 4)
tgpotterfield: Penstemon sp. (beardtongue), fall color
tgpotterfield: Liquidambar styraciflua (sweetgum), fall color
tgpotterfield: Treescape at the Ponds, fall color
tgpotterfield: Taxodium distichum (bald cypress), fall color
tgpotterfield: Taxodium distichum (bald cypress), fall color
tgpotterfield: Fothergilla gardenii (dwarf fothergilla or witch alder), fall color
tgpotterfield: Pond 1 island, leaf-fall, November
tgpotterfield: Spiranthes cernua var. odorata (marsh ladies'-tresses), pondside, November
tgpotterfield: Spiranthes cernua var. odorata (marsh ladies'-tresses), pondside, November
tgpotterfield: Symphyotrichum georgianum (Georgia aster), pondside, November