TGIQ: Sawfly
TGIQ: Camponotus sp.
TGIQ: Dolichovespula maculata
TGIQ: Bumblebee
TGIQ: Murder scene...
TGIQ: Goldenrod crab spider - Misumena vatia - with bee prey
TGIQ: Goldenrod crab spider - Misumena vatia - with bee prey
TGIQ: Crab spider snack, as seen from above
TGIQ: Little muscids on the crab spider's prey
TGIQ: Whitebanded crab spider, Misumenoides formosipes, snacking on a Sphecid wasp
TGIQ: Eastern black carpenter ant (Camponotus pennsylvanicus), tending to membracid nymph
TGIQ: Polistes sp. with Monarch Butterfly (Danaus plexippus)
TGIQ: Crab spider with carpenter ant prey
TGIQ: Gelis sp., a wingless female parasitoid (Ichneumonidae)
TGIQ: Hyperparasitism
TGIQ: Paper wasp, Polistes sp. (ambient light)
TGIQ: Paper wasp, Polistes sp. (flash)
TGIQ: Parasitic wasp (parasitoid, technically) emerging from the egg sac of a wolf spider