jen-san: Hong Kong!
jen-san: daytime
jen-san: nighttime
jen-san: our hosts
jen-san: mom and baby in the big city
jen-san: mom and baby in the big city II
jen-san: aunt jenni, uncle tommy, and a string of christmas lights
jen-san: dancing with aunt jeans
jen-san: coffee with uncle pierogi
jen-san: sidewalk
jen-san: market
jen-san: typical apartment building
jen-san: the food
jen-san: the food!
jen-san: the food?
jen-san: exotic fruitstand
jen-san: cheerio trail
jen-san: ferry
jen-san: hong kong island at sunset
jen-san: city view from victoria's peak
jen-san: city view II
jen-san: subway sistas
jen-san: looking down
jen-san: looking up
jen-san: view of "the big buddha"
jen-san: closer view
jen-san: stairs
jen-san: 1/2 way there
jen-san: sid loves climbing
jen-san: view looking back