jen-san: temple on the way to mt fuji
jen-san: tom completing ritual for good luck on mountain
jen-san: Fuji-san!
jen-san: here we go...
jen-san: as we begin our ascent we are already in the clouds
jen-san: tom takes in view on first break
jen-san: example of terrain
jen-san: more clouds roll in
jen-san: 1/2 way there
jen-san: in the clouds
jen-san: ingesting first of many power bars
jen-san: our "hotel"
jen-san: our "sleeping" quarters
jen-san: 2:00AM wake-up to coninue our ascent
jen-san: 4AM
jen-san: sunrise
jen-san: just before reaching summit
jen-san: made it
jen-san: to the top
jen-san: go blue?
jen-san: happy, tired, freezing
jen-san: descent
jen-san: amazing cloud formations
jen-san: i see green!
jen-san: hiking through clouds down paths of volcanic rock
jen-san: made it to the bottom