jen-san: arrival of our first out-of-town guest!
jen-san: time to put dave to bed
jen-san: "is this really the door to your apartment?"
jen-san: "what jetlag?"
jen-san: Sidney - our youngest visitor to date!
jen-san: we let her parents come too
jen-san: they clean up real nice
jen-san: First time smelling uncle tommy's morning breath
jen-san: Senior Vesbit-sans' first Japanese dinner
jen-san: feeding each other sushi
jen-san: birthday celebration
jen-san: Ferrante-Sans visit Nagoya
jen-san: two generations in the japanese wilderness
jen-san: sushi trial and chopstick lesson
jen-san: chopstick failure
jen-san: full of questions
jen-san: curry donut tastetest
jen-san: curry donut taste-test
jen-san: frank and his christmas sweater
jen-san: curry donut taste-test
jen-san: jeff/casey/kyoto!
jen-san: bedtime
jen-san: big doug
jen-san: the tiniest 'road soda' in the world
jen-san: jeff, his shades, & the water
jen-san: sisters-in-law
jen-san: jeff dives in
jen-san: jeff on the bridge, sake in hand
jen-san: sake brewery
jen-san: enjoying every last bite