jen-san: arrival of our first out-of-town guest!
jen-san: dave meets the japanese mushroom man
jen-san: time to put dave to bed
jen-san: "is this really the door to your apartment?"
jen-san: early the next morning we went for a 7 hour hike
jen-san: trail guide, perhaps?
jen-san: we hiked with the international hiking club
jen-san: "what jetlag?"
jen-san: 1/2 way up the mountain
jen-san: which way?
jen-san: mountain view
jen-san: before we reached the summit we walked along fields of bamboo
jen-san: finally, we made it to the top which was covered in snow...
jen-san: ...and offered beautiful panoramic views
jen-san: on our way back to Nagoya we stopped here
jen-san: the view from town overlooks The Japanese Alps
jen-san: the main, steep street through town is closed to traffic
jen-san: traditional Japanese restaurant on hillside
jen-san: these next photos were taken at "Nabana no Sato"
jen-san: which translates to "a village Overflowing with Flowers"
jen-san: many people were out during "golden week"
jen-san: Japanese trees amongst the flowers
jen-san: our first Japanese bathhouse, "onsen," experience
jen-san: feeling refreshed and relaxed
jen-san: the relaxation ended the next day when we attended this ancient Japanese festival
jen-san: crowds of thousands gather to watch...
jen-san: waiting the for the first horse...
jen-san: young boys get the best seat in the house
jen-san: the festival took place on a very hot day
jen-san: dave's view