Tatters ✾:
Grampians view from Brambuk
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Sandstone of Grampians
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Bushwalking in Grampians
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Epacris impressa - Victoria’s floral emblem
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Bushwalking in Grampians
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Sandstone of Grampians
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Mountain daisy - Ixodia achillaeoides
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Gate of the West Wind
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View to the Pinnacle lookout and Bellfield lake
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Grampians sandstone, with view
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View from Pinnacle (to the north)
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View from Pinnacle (to the south)
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The Pinnacle ("Titanic" of Grampians)
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Lunch at Pinnacle
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Hiking to the Pinnacle
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To or from the Silent Street
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Exiting the Silent Street
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Silent Street
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In the shadow of Silent Street
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Hiking to the Pinnacles
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The Wall (Grampians)
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Cool Chamber & Echo cave (Grampians)
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Walking on Cauliflower rock
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Cauliflower rock in Grampians
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Cauliflower rock (Grampians)
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Crossing the rocky creek (Grampians)
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MacKenzie Falls with rainbow
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Rainbow at MacKenzie Falls
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MacKenzie Falls
Tatters ✾:
MacKenzie Falls - 'up close and personal'