Tatters ✾:
Alectryon tomentosus - 'Hairy bird's eye'
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Harpullia pendula 'Tulipwood' (flowers of the tree)
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Tulipwood Tree 'Harpullia pendula'
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Seeds of Harpullia pendula (Tulipwood)
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Alas, they are not blackberries …
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Native Tamarind - (Diploglottis australis)
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Rainforest tree - 'Native Tamarind' - Diploglottis australis
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Cupaniopsis anacardioides - Tuckeroo
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Alectryon tomentosus - 'Hairy bird's eye'
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'Foambark' - Jagera pseudorhus
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Chinese Rain Tree ( Koelreuteria ) - flowers and fruits
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Koelreuteria elegans - 'Chinese Rain Tree'
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Cupaniopsis flagelliformis var. australis
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Horse chestnut for Flowering Trees group
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Titoki - Alectryon excelsus (fruit, seeds)
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Diploglottis smithii - <Smith's tamarind>
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Harpullia pendula - fruiting tree
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Sarcotoechia serrata - leaf and fruit
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Sarcotoechia serrata - fruiting
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Sarcotoechia serrata - Fern Leaved Tamarind
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Mischarytera lautereriana - 'Corduroy, or Rose tamarind', Вельвет дерево (2 photos)
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Mischarytera lautereriana - 'Corduroy, or Rose tamarind'
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Beautiful and tasty 'shelled plums' from Australian rainforest (Diploglottis campbellii)
Tatters ✾:
Diploglottis campbellii - habit
Tatters ✾:
Elattostachys microcarpa