Tatters ✾:
Huge Fig tree, Brisbane, Toowong, Anzac park
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Snow flakes bush
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Tibouchina 'Kathleen' - Pink Glory tree
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Tibouchina - Purple Glory tree!
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Pencil Cedar - Polyscias murrayi
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Camellia flowering tree
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Melicope elleryana - 'Pink Euodia'
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'Golden Penda' - Xanthostemon chrysanthus
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Brachychiton bidwillii - 'Little Kurrajong'
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‘Pride of Bolivia’ flowering tree in Australia
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Giant stinging tree in Australian rainforest
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The Tree of Souls
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Ceiba pentandra (Kapok tree)
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Pony-tail tree, or Elephant-foot-tree
Tatters ✾:
Calophyllum inophyllum - 'Alexandrian Laurel'
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Alloxylon flammeum - Queensland Waratah
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Erythrina velutina
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Triplaris - she is in full bloom :)
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His Majesty Eucalypt
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Brugmansia - Angel's trumpet
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Caesalpinia ferrea -'Leopard tree'
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Schotia brachypetala - 'Drunk Parrot Tree'
Tatters ✾:
illawara Flame Tree
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Flame tree - дерево пламя
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“Queenslander” with the royal tree
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Magnificent poinciana in suburban Brisbane
Tatters ✾:
Flamboyant / Poinciana