tgbusill: Perceptual Map #38812324: Importance to U.S. National Security Interests v. Resemblance to Scarlett Johansson
tgbusill: sketch for site-semi-specific piece for Bermuda Triangle
tgbusill: off his moorings, on the breeze / sketch for short film making the metaphorical implication that Dick Cheney has become somewhat unhinged
tgbusill: Storyboard for video contained on Plato's Ideal Form of YouTube
tgbusill: Abbreviated Supply Chain: Keebler Elves' Tree/Baking Facility
tgbusill: 4 Ways to Recognize Birds
tgbusill: MPTI no. 21: Personal Communication
tgbusill: 6th Borough Uprising
tgbusill: "The Clothes Cycle"