Vicky TGAW: 3D Printing - Prototype Wine Topper
Vicky TGAW: School Bus Wine Stopper - Front and Stop Sign Side
Vicky TGAW: School Bus Wine Stopper with Green Background
Vicky TGAW: School Bus Wine Stopper - Back, Stop Sign Side and Engraving
Vicky TGAW: School Bus Wine Stopper with Wine
Vicky TGAW: Day of Making - Bus
Vicky TGAW: Wine Stopper - Yellow Plastic
Vicky TGAW: Wine Stopper from Niles Bottle Stoppers
Vicky TGAW: Naming Objects
Vicky TGAW: Joining Objects
Vicky TGAW: Outer and Inner Diameters
Vicky TGAW: Setting Bevel Weight
Vicky TGAW: Bevel Operator
Vicky TGAW: Bus Hollow Underneath - Save Money
Vicky TGAW: Making the Bus Door with the Boolean Difference Modifier
Vicky TGAW: Boolean Modifier in Blender
Vicky TGAW: Gotcha! You Have To Account For TWO Walls
Vicky TGAW: Illustration of Bus Door
Vicky TGAW: Engraving Text with the Boolean Modifier
Vicky TGAW: Fixing Thin Walls in the A
Vicky TGAW: Math - Converting Inches to Millimeters (Thanks Google)
Vicky TGAW: Margin of Error for the Shapeways Steel
Vicky TGAW: MATH! Calculating my Cylinder Diameter