Vicky TGAW: Merchant's Millpond State Park - Jimmie Explores Swamp
Vicky TGAW: Merchant's Millpond State Park - Jimmie Splashes in Swamp
Vicky TGAW: Merchant's Millpond State Park - Cypress Knee in Algae
Vicky TGAW: Merchant's Millpond State Park - Baldcypress Knees in Algae
Vicky TGAW: Merchant's Millpond State Park - Holly and Baldcypress Trees
Vicky TGAW: Merchant's Millpond State Park - Holly Grows on Stump
Vicky TGAW: Merchant's Millpond State Park - Jimmie and Henry on Bridge
Vicky TGAW: Merchant's Millpond State Park - Beech Leaf Shadows
Vicky TGAW: Merchant's Millpond State Park - Dead Tree
Vicky TGAW: Merchant's Millpond State Park - Fungi on Traumatized Trunk
Vicky TGAW: Merchant's Millpond State Park - Roots
Vicky TGAW: Merchant's Millpond State Park - Camou Trunk
Vicky TGAW: Merchant's Millpond State Park - Base Hole (Blurry)
Vicky TGAW: Merchant's Millpond State Park - Three Colors of Mushrooms
Vicky TGAW: Merchant's Millpond State Park - Baby Pine Close
Vicky TGAW: Merchant's Millpond State Park - Waterslide Tree from Back
Vicky TGAW: Merchant's Millpond State Park - Waterslide Tree Dead One
Vicky TGAW: Merchant's Millpond State Park - Waterslide Tree From Trail
Vicky TGAW: Merchant's Millpond State Park - Tree Tumor and Ryan
Vicky TGAW: Merchant's Millpond State Park - Seashell Mushrooms Out of Bark
Vicky TGAW: Merchant's Millpond State Park - Henry on Creek Bed
Vicky TGAW: Merchant's Millpond State Park - Mini Canyon
Vicky TGAW: Merchant's Millpond State Park - Stump, Knees, Trunk
Vicky TGAW: Merchant's Millpond State Park - Jimmie Intriqued by Swamp
Vicky TGAW: Merchant's Millpond State Park - Jimmie in Muck
Vicky TGAW: Merchant's Millpond State Park - Baldcypress Trees and Knees in Algae (Far)
Vicky TGAW: Merchant's Millpond State Park - Baldcypress Trees and Knees in Algae (Close)
Vicky TGAW: Merchant's Millpond State Park - Split Beech Tree (and Ryan)
Vicky TGAW: Merchant's Millpond State Park - Carved Beech Tree
Vicky TGAW: Merchant's Millpond State Park - Grass in Water