Vicky TGAW: Appomattox - White Blaze (Far)
Vicky TGAW: Appomattox - White Blaze (Close)
Vicky TGAW: Appomattox - Web
Vicky TGAW: Appomattox - Virginia Pine Bark (Pinus virginiana)
Vicky TGAW: Appomattox - Virginia Pine (Pinus virginiana)
Vicky TGAW: Appomattox - Twist in Bark from Above
Vicky TGAW: Appomattox - Twist in Bark From Other Side
Vicky TGAW: Appomattox - Twist in Bark (Far)
Vicky TGAW: Appomattox - Twist in Bark (Close)
Vicky TGAW: Appomattox - Tree and Trail
Vicky TGAW: Appomattox - Tree Shadows in Leaves
Vicky TGAW: Appomattox - Swirls in Mud
Vicky TGAW: Appomattox - Sunlight Grass
Vicky TGAW: Appomattox - Smooth Bark, Rough Bark
Vicky TGAW: Appomattox - Sign for Lee's Last Headquarters
Vicky TGAW: Appomattox - Shortleaf Pine (Pinus echinata) Bark
Vicky TGAW: Appomattox - Shells on Stump
Vicky TGAW: Appomattox - Scum and Reflections
Vicky TGAW: Appomattox - Reflections, Scum, Leaves
Vicky TGAW: Appomattox - Patterns in Scum
Vicky TGAW: Appomattox - Nature Trail Sign
Vicky TGAW: Appomattox - Nature Trail
Vicky TGAW: Appomattox - Nature Takes Over Tree
Vicky TGAW: Appomattox - Mountain Laurel (Kalmia latifolia)
Vicky TGAW: Appomattox - Leaves in Woods
Vicky TGAW: Appomattox - Leaf in Scum (Close)
Vicky TGAW: Appomattox - Leaf Floats in Scum
Vicky TGAW: Appomattox - Jimmie on Trail with Shadows
Vicky TGAW: Appomattox - Jimmie in Leaves
Vicky TGAW: Appomattox - Jimmie Crosses Appomattox River