Vicky TGAW: Richmond - Zip wire 1
Vicky TGAW: Richmond - Virginia Creeper Taking Over
Vicky TGAW: Richmond - Tubers in James River
Vicky TGAW: Richmond - Trumpet Vine
Vicky TGAW: Richmond - Trees and Old Building
Vicky TGAW: Richmond - Trees Through Brick Wall
Vicky TGAW: Richmond - Tree Through Wall Holes
Vicky TGAW: Richmond - Tree Through Old Windows
Vicky TGAW: Richmond - Tree Through Hole
Vicky TGAW: Richmond - Tree Through Broken Wall
Vicky TGAW: Richmond - Tree Through Brick Yard
Vicky TGAW: Richmond - Tree Squeezes Through (Close)
Vicky TGAW: Richmond - Tree Squeezes Through
Vicky TGAW: Richmond - Tree Leeching on Concrete Wall (Far)
Vicky TGAW: Richmond - Tree Growing in Hole
Vicky TGAW: Richmond - Rocks on James River
Vicky TGAW: Richmond - People Swimming in James River
Vicky TGAW: Richmond - Nature Taking Over from Below
Vicky TGAW: Richmond - Nature Taking Over Old Building Frame
Vicky TGAW: Richmond - Nature Taking Over Cross
Vicky TGAW: Richmond - Nature Taking Over 3
Vicky TGAW: Richmond - Nature Taking Over 2
Vicky TGAW: Richmond - Nature Taking Over
Vicky TGAW: Richmond - Nature Takes Over Old Hydoelectro Plant
Vicky TGAW: Richmond - Mother and Daughter
Vicky TGAW: Richmond - Kid on Zip Wire
Vicky TGAW: Richmond - Kid Starts Zip Wire
Vicky TGAW: Richmond - James River and Hollywood Cemetary
Vicky TGAW: Richmond - James River Swimmers
Vicky TGAW: Richmond - James River Cairns (Far)