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tfxc: Lead's about to change
tfxc: Brian Shrader makes his move on defending champ Aaron Braun
tfxc: Shrader pulls even with training partner Diego Estrada just behind
tfxc: Shrader passes Braun
tfxc: DSC03298.jpg
tfxc: Shrader takes control
tfxc: Girma Mecheso, Jared Ward
tfxc: Girma Mecheso
tfxc: Parker Stinson
tfxc: Andrew Colley
tfxc: DSC03306.jpg
tfxc: Jim Spisak, Christo Landry
tfxc: Jim Spisak
tfxc: Scott Bauhs
tfxc: Trevor Dunbar
tfxc: Jonathan Peterson
tfxc: Brett Gotcher, Mark Parrish
tfxc: Joseph Moore, Donnie Cowart
tfxc: Scott Smith
tfxc: Devin Monson
tfxc: Zach Ripley
tfxc: Tyler McCandless
tfxc: Julian Saad
tfxc: Lucas Meyer