.:TFTX:. (30/60 limit : NO!!):
cathédrale de Reims - the homeless
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futures pommes / apples to be
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futures aiguilles / needles to be
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V'là l'printemps ! / Spring has sprung!
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Le joli mois de mai / Beautiful month of May
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Mille ans et plus d'utilisation du schiste / Thousand years and more of schist use
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N'essaie pas de me suivre ! / Don't try to follow me!
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Phalaenopsis sp.
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Usine à torticolis / Stiff neck factory
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Champagne !
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Ornithogalum dubium
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Mrs. Mallard preening / Mme Colvert se lisse les plumes
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Le boss / The boss
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Le Vieux Moulin / The Old Mill
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Les quatre fils Aymon / The Four Sons of Aymon
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Gaieté / Cheerfulness - Girls just want to have fun :-)
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Ready for speed / Paré pour la vitesse
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Such a hard life / Une vie tellement dure
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Corbeau freux / Rook
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.:TFTX:. (30/60 limit : NO!!):
Corbeau freux / Rook
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Will you find the horse ? / Trouveras-tu le cheval ?
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Abbaye d'Élan : la manse abbatiale
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Endormie / Sleeping
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place Ducale
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Discrète, au coeur de la forêt
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place Ducale
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Fabriques d'oxygène / Oxygen factories
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Traces d’un orgueil déchu / Traces of a fallen pride