TFRARUG: 001 - Coda refuge
TFRARUG: 002 - Autumn is coming
TFRARUG: 003 - the little alp
TFRARUG: 004 - autumnal colors
TFRARUG: 005 - the green friend
TFRARUG: 006 - orange versus green
TFRARUG: 007 - a wider view
TFRARUG: 008 - behind me
TFRARUG: 009 - the yellow
TFRARUG: 010 - a deeper view
TFRARUG: 011 - rising
TFRARUG: 012 - the valley is under me
TFRARUG: 013 - looking at my path
TFRARUG: 014 - the white giant
TFRARUG: 015 - I love these colors
TFRARUG: 016 - the monkey
TFRARUG: 017 - Pianura Padana first view
TFRARUG: 018 - the refuge first view
TFRARUG: 019 - using zoom
TFRARUG: 020 - a glance to my path
TFRARUG: 021 - last rise
TFRARUG: 022 - the dry lake
TFRARUG: 023 - over the plain
TFRARUG: 024 - a wider view of my path
TFRARUG: 025 - in front at me
TFRARUG: 026 - last steps
TFRARUG: 027 - the little lake
TFRARUG: 028 - Coda refuge
TFRARUG: 029 - a landscape from it
TFRARUG: 030 - waiting snow