tfhammar: so much for my new feeder
tfhammar: Watch out, squirrel
tfhammar: I want a peanut - is it safe?
tfhammar: no cats around?
tfhammar: got one
tfhammar: more
tfhammar: a different angle
tfhammar: a solitary moment
tfhammar: almost finished
tfhammar: squirrel and peanut
tfhammar: paydirt
tfhammar: squirrel do
tfhammar: corn time
tfhammar: hungry
tfhammar: for a peanut you may pass
tfhammar: yummy
tfhammar: sweet tooth
tfhammar: after some acrobatics to get some woodpecker food
tfhammar: hurry up with the peanuts :-)
tfhammar: now, look deeply into my eyes
tfhammar: savory suet
tfhammar: choice
tfhammar: oh, is this a bird feeder I'm climbing into?
tfhammar: Hey human!
tfhammar: squirrelbird
tfhammar: paydirt
tfhammar: nest building?
tfhammar: yummy
tfhammar: no waiting at the squirrel station
tfhammar: May I please have a peanut?