tfhammar: Trillby
tfhammar: oboe
tfhammar: Charley
tfhammar: Watch out, squirrel
tfhammar: Oboe comes home
tfhammar: Oboe on 1213
tfhammar: Charley
tfhammar: Oboe
tfhammar: Trillby
tfhammar: trillby
tfhammar: Nodding out...
tfhammar: My office assistant
tfhammar: Oboe
tfhammar: Oboe
tfhammar: Oboe
tfhammar: Oboe on patrol
tfhammar: Trillby
tfhammar: Trillby
tfhammar: Oboe on the bricks
tfhammar: oboe on the fence
tfhammar: charley
tfhammar: charley
tfhammar: charley on the bricks
tfhammar: trillby helping out
tfhammar: trillby says hello
tfhammar: oboe on his bed
tfhammar: oboe watching tv
tfhammar: oboe trying to stay dry
tfhammar: trillby napping
tfhammar: a sleeping Trillby