texturity: Departure
texturity: Neighbor
texturity: First sight
texturity: Smoggy Beijing sunset
texturity: Colorful facade
texturity: Mr. Lee
texturity: Mao and Ben
texturity: Dragons
texturity: Under construction
texturity: Ancient ruins
texturity: Brick red
texturity: Orange
texturity: Tourist photo
texturity: Steps
texturity: Knock knock
texturity: Sundial
texturity: Tiles
texturity: Waterstain art
texturity: Dead end in red
texturity: Keep our Forbidden City Clean
texturity: Ancient Mirror
texturity: Another ancient mirror
texturity: Cloudy mirror
texturity: Gate of Fortune
texturity: A white kid frolicking
texturity: The apple eaters
texturity: Bronze statues in the Forbidden City
texturity: Emblem
texturity: Impressionist painting
texturity: Rothko: Untitled No. 1