textlad: The chair-o-planes - lets hope Will is tall enough this year
textlad: A fine example of the heavy horse turnouts
textlad: One of the heavy horse turnouts
textlad: The heavy horse farm turnouts
textlad: The finale - showing off the Union Jack reflecting JCB's British heritage
textlad: Little digger drives under the JCBs
textlad: The little digger joins for the stunning finish
textlad: Getting ready for the finale
textlad: Dare devil driving
textlad: Wow! Pushing the JCB to its limit
textlad: Digger acrobatics
textlad: JCB 3CX - the newest model being used for the show
textlad: Dancing diggers get lined up for another routine
textlad: Digger all sycrohonised with the music
textlad: Dancing diggers with trails of yellow smoke
textlad: Dancing digger show underway
textlad: Dancing Diggers all lined up waiting to enter the ring
textlad: Nimrod coach - doing a circuit of honour after winning for the second year in a row
textlad: The winner - the Nimrod coach
textlad: Household cavalry carriage?
textlad: Another well turned out coach
textlad: One of the coaches during the judging
textlad: All the coaches lined up for judging
textlad: The coaching competition
textlad: Prize winning vegetables
textlad: The BBC bus
textlad: An interesting character in the poultry tent
textlad: A real prize winner!
textlad: Some of the only animals on show - and they were poultry!
textlad: Horse-shoe being fitted