textileseahorse: maybe, maybe not
textileseahorse: murk midnight stitching - a wip
textileseahorse: murk midnight sketching
textileseahorse: murk midnight playing with pigment
textileseahorse: thursday's sketch
textileseahorse: beads and blanketing
textileseahorse: felting detail
textileseahorse: fabric painting
textileseahorse: desert marks wip
textileseahorse: more desert marks
textileseahorse: silk and canvas
textileseahorse: pinned silk
textileseahorse: rock (for quilt)
textileseahorse: rock cache
textileseahorse: rock face
textileseahorse: spinifex
textileseahorse: rock swirl - ellery creek bighole
textileseahorse: rock - ellery creek bighole
textileseahorse: landscape
textileseahorse: ridged landscape
textileseahorse: comfy cat
textileseahorse: molly as art critic
textileseahorse: silk painting
textileseahorse: manipulated fabric painting