Tex Texin: Machu Picchu, Peru on a foggy morning
Tex Texin: Machu Picchu, Peru
Tex Texin: Machu Picchu, Peru
Tex Texin: Machu Picchu, Peru
Tex Texin: Machu Picchu, Peru
Tex Texin: Machu Picchu, Peru
Tex Texin: Sign: Prohibido El Paso, Passing is Prohibited
Tex Texin: Machu Picchu, Peru in early morning fog
Tex Texin: Machu Picchu, Peru in early morning fog
Tex Texin: Machu Picchu, Peru in early morning fog
Tex Texin: Perurail Train Conductor
Tex Texin: Perurail Train Conductor
Tex Texin: Machu Picchu Scenery
Tex Texin: Machu Picchu Blues Closeup
Tex Texin: Machu Picchu Blues
Tex Texin: Town at Machu Picchu train station
Tex Texin: Hauling at Machu Picchu train station
Tex Texin: Town at Machu Picchu train station
Tex Texin: Shootout at the Machu Picchu Corral
Tex Texin: Shopping in Town at Machu Picchu Train Station
Tex Texin: Nice view of Machu Picchu
Tex Texin: Edwin, our travel guide
Tex Texin: Happy to be atop Machu Picchu
Tex Texin: Colleen, Vicki, and Colin
Tex Texin: Christof shooting
Tex Texin: No one else had that headgear at Machu Picchu
Tex Texin: Colin descending
Tex Texin: Christof shooting Machu Picchu
Tex Texin: Colin and Christof shooting Machu Picchu
Tex Texin: Colin shooting Machu Picchu