Tex Texin: Break time
Tex Texin: Riding to the London Eye
Tex Texin: Francisco
Tex Texin: Francisco and Diego
Tex Texin: Keith
Tex Texin: Dustin
Tex Texin: Olivier and Jean-Christophe
Tex Texin: Wendell and Tim
Tex Texin: Coffee Break
Tex Texin: Break time
Tex Texin: Break time
Tex Texin: Break time
Tex Texin: Tim sneaks up on Bond
Tex Texin: International Architects 1
Tex Texin: International Architects Conference 2
Tex Texin: International Architects Conference 3
Tex Texin: Dmitry and Bruno
Tex Texin: Nicolas, Dmitry, Bruno, Wendell
Tex Texin: Nicolas, Dmitry, Bruno, Wendell, Eric
Tex Texin: Julien's 15 minutes of fame
Tex Texin: Toasting Tim's Fired Hired Experience
Tex Texin: Bruno toasts architecture
Tex Texin: In the London Eye
Tex Texin: Sarah coordinates her drink with her sweater
Tex Texin: Inside the London Eye
Tex Texin: Norbert
Tex Texin: Addison, Nicolas, Julien, Olivier, Dmitry
Tex Texin: Sarah, Keith, Diego, Jean-Christophe, Eric
Tex Texin: Remy and Wendell
Tex Texin: Dmitry and James Bond