texasrobo: 1.1 Overview south
texasrobo: 1.2 Overview north
texasrobo: 1.3 Surface gravels and bedrock
texasrobo: 1.4 Sandstone outcrop
texasrobo: 1.5 Bedrock outcrop, limestone?
texasrobo: 1.6 Pronghorn
texasrobo: 1.7 Isolated chert flake
texasrobo: 1.8 Isolated biface/perforator
texasrobo: 1.9 Rock cairn at FS 1
texasrobo: 1.10 Arrow point fragment, FS 1
texasrobo: 1.11 Small biface, FS 1
texasrobo: 1.12 Smaller, rock cairn, FS 1
texasrobo: 1.13 Southern viewshed at FS 1
texasrobo: 1.14 Northern viewshed at FS 1
texasrobo: horned frog
texasrobo: Desertlike
texasrobo: Biface blank
texasrobo: Flaky ant hill
texasrobo: Closeup of flakes on anthill
texasrobo: 12.2 wind