texasrobo: Crew shot
texasrobo: Gower point close-up
texasrobo: Martindale in situ
texasrobo: Tini and a Uvalde
texasrobo: Tini column sampling
texasrobo: Feature
texasrobo: Colleen and Amber drawing a plan map
texasrobo: Colleen's plan map of Feature 6
texasrobo: Feature recovery crew at Feature 6
texasrobo: First day of data recovery
texasrobo: Backhoe, first day of data recovery
texasrobo: Gower point in trench wall
texasrobo: gradall.jpg
texasrobo: Me working on a test unit, 41KR621, Kerr County
texasrobo: Feature 5, 41KR621, Kerr County
texasrobo: Burned rock midden exposed, 41KR621
texasrobo: Bell Point, 41KR621, Kerr County